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About the Message Board » For Those Who Believe Status is Everything... » 7/25/2019 4:01 pm |
I love the idea of a ranking structure. It provides a way for readers of the board to discern posters who are top contributors to the site. I also like the idea of limiting board privileges based upon post count (e.g. minimum # of posts necessary to use links). This will aid in keeping the spam/troll accounts at bay.
As for the 250 posts rank I wanted throw out a suggestion: Colonial Booster
About the Message Board » Thank You! » 7/25/2019 2:25 pm |
Yes, after the deterioration of the old gwhoops site I'm glad the effort was taken to create a new space to control the incessant trolling. It appears that a lot of former regular posters and lurkers alike from the old site have already migrated over to the new format. Thanks for creating this new board Barry; I'm looking forward to its future progression.
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