GW Hoops

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12/14/2020 8:37 pm  #61

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

The difference between this and yesterday´s collapse by the women? The women played in the afternoon so I was out in the sun drinking a stout while this game is at night and I am inside having a Cabernet Franc. Arrrrggggghhhhhh!!!!!


12/14/2020 8:38 pm  #62

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

Maceo in the last 1:45 of game time:
- Foul
- Technical Foul
- Turnover
- Fouled a player for an and-one


12/14/2020 8:40 pm  #63

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

MG14 wrote:

Maceo in the last 1:45 of game time:
- Foul
- Technical Foul
- Turnover
- Fouled a player for an and-one

Too much energy. Should be starting.


12/14/2020 8:41 pm  #64

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

Guys I'm officially done for the season - see you next year. 


12/14/2020 8:41 pm  #65

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

4 straight possessions we've given up baskets


12/14/2020 8:44 pm  #66

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

We should just do like Coach K and call for a pause to the season to spare further embarrassment.


12/14/2020 8:45 pm  #67

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

MG14 wrote:

4 straight possessions we've given up baskets

I believe we've now given up points on the last 9-10 possessions


12/14/2020 8:45 pm  #68

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

Bishop does excel in getting cheap fouls.


12/14/2020 8:46 pm  #69

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

Great play by Jameer to knock away a pass, but W&M out hustles is to the loose ball, and then our team (especially Jameer) get caught ball watching and they take the loose ball to the rack. Jameer stopped playing for a second there, probably frustrated that his teammates let W&M out hustle us for his steal.


12/14/2020 8:50 pm  #70

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

Maceo playing matador defense tonight.


12/14/2020 8:51 pm  #71

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

Did we call timeout any point in their amazing run?


12/14/2020 8:52 pm  #72

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

i don't think we've ever gotten a stop in the history of basketball


12/14/2020 8:53 pm  #73

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

Jameer almost gets a steal, but the other guy comes away with it and goes to the rim. Paar is there but instead of holding his ground, kind of backed away from the shooter to try to give himself a better angle to block the shot. Should have played strong instead of soft.

Then Battle misses a wide opens three.

And then Paar lets a little guy out-muscle him for a layup.  Is there a softer, less physical big in the A10 than Chase?

Last edited by Free Quebec (12/14/2020 8:54 pm)


12/14/2020 8:55 pm  #74

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

W&M scored on 9 of their last 10 possessions. The one
exception was the JNJ steal.


12/14/2020 8:56 pm  #75

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

This is bad coaching not bad talent so far. We have individually talented players in Bishop and Battle and JNJ (who all got their stats) but they are not playing together at ALL. Coupled with a limp ass showing in this second half? What a shame.

Last edited by GW0509 (12/14/2020 8:56 pm)


12/14/2020 8:57 pm  #76

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

GW0509 wrote:

This is bad coaching not bad talent so far. We have individually talented players in Bishop and Battle and JNJ but they are not playing together at ALL. Coupled with a limp ass second half. What a shame.

Agree.  I was as big a JC believer as you’d find, but I’ve lost faith.  This is bad coaching.


12/14/2020 8:58 pm  #77

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

Free Quebec wrote:

GW0509 wrote:

This is bad coaching not bad talent so far. We have individually talented players in Bishop and Battle and JNJ but they are not playing together at ALL. Coupled with a limp ass second half. What a shame.

Agree.  I was as big a JC believer as you’d find, but I’ve lost faith.  This is bad coaching.

Me too. I wanted us to hire JC after Mojo’s interim year. Now I really just don’t understand what we’re supposed to be doing out there. We seem as lost as we did in 2018-2019.

Last edited by GW0509 (12/14/2020 8:59 pm)


12/14/2020 9:00 pm  #78

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

Interesting play design by JC from the time out to get Sloane the three.


12/14/2020 9:00 pm  #79

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

I was thinking to myself that the poor ending to the first half both on the timing of playing for a last shot with a four second clock shot differential and the poor defense on the W&M drive to end the half shouldn’t make a difference the way we were playing...but.


12/14/2020 9:02 pm  #80

Re: GW vs William and Mary Game Thread

Phew.  W&M takes a terrible shot.  Going to OT.


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