Moving away from this lunacy, I find Jim Ferry to be an interesting choice for UMBC. He did a more than respectable job this past season as the interim at Penn State which makes PSU's decision not to retain him to be a bit of an eyebrow raiser. He finished 37 games under .500 over five seasons at Duquesne, sandwiched in between Ron Everhart (10 games over .500) and Keith Dambrot (already 18 games over .500). Hard to say that you can't win at Duquesne when the coaches before and after you each enjoyed more success. Prior to Duquesne, he finished one game over .500 at LIU though he did go dancing during each of his final two seasons.
My best guess is that UMBC did not consider ML for the job. There's little doubt in my mind that he is being blackballed for perceived wrongdoings. Unfortunately, we are living in a day and age where what someone thinks you may have done can be every bit as damaging as what one actually did. Subsequently, it's a lot easier in this climate to take a pass on someone with a potentially controversial past than to take a chance on him.
This is not being said to relitigate anything. In fact, let's all jointly agree not to go down this road. Nobody here knows with absolute certainty what ML said and/or did along with all of the circumstances that caused these actions. Nobody knows with any certainty whether he is a serial abuser or whether he was justified by anything or everything he ever said or did. There is zero point in having that discussion.
I only mention this to point out that either rightfully or wrongfully, my best guess is that schools just aren't willing to take a chance on him. One thing I do know is that if I were trying to capitalize on the success that Ryan Odom brought to the UMBC program, I'd rather have Mike Lonergan calling the shots than Jim Ferry. It's a shame that there's more to this than solely who represents the best chance to build the most successful program.