GW Hoops

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8/31/2024 1:06 pm  #1


8/31/2024 11:12 pm  #2

Re: Volleyball 2024

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9/02/2024 1:59 am  #3

Re: Volleyball 2024

AU gets the 3-1 win. 

Next up: Eastern Michigan touney next Friday & Saturday!!!

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9/06/2024 6:21 pm  #4

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9/08/2024 1:17 am  #5

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9/12/2024 10:01 pm  #6

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9/16/2024 10:19 pm  #7

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9/20/2024 8:53 pm  #8

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9/21/2024 11:48 pm  #9

Re: Volleyball 2024

Revs win 3-0 against Delaware State!!!
Revs win 3-0 against Harvard!!!

Next up: A-10 play begins next Friday, September 27 at Duquesne!

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9/30/2024 12:39 am  #10

Re: Volleyball 2024

After dropping the Friday match 3-1
the Revs had a 3-0 SWEEEEEEEEEP of the Dukes

Good stuff.

Next up: Fordam on Friday at 6PM and Saturday at 2PM in DC!!!!!

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10/07/2024 12:32 pm  #11

Re: Volleyball 2024

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10/07/2024 12:51 pm  #12

Re: Volleyball 2024

Thanks Sons for your fandom and reports


10/08/2024 1:53 am  #13

Re: Volleyball 2024


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10/10/2024 12:50 pm  #14

Re: Volleyball 2024

That's a 
against Mason.
Oh yeah.

Next up: At home against Davidson on Saturday & Sunday, both matches at 2PM!

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Yesterday 12:34 am  #15

Re: Volleyball 2024

Oh hey there's a 
of Davidson on Friday.

Very nice.  Very very nice.

...but apparently the Wildcats ate their Wheaties this morning
and came up with a lucky 3-2 win

But overall we sure are enjoying this Volleyball season. Good stuff.

Next up: At Dayton on Friday at 7PM and Saturday at 1PM.

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