For the first time as long as I can remember, GW will not be playing a pre-season exhibition. There will still likely be the "silent scrimmage" against a D1 opponent that will be closed to the public. But the annual game often held in late October against a D2 or D3 opponent (or in the olden days, against these barnstorming teams comprised of former players) has fallen by the wayside, at least for this season.
Pros (in not playing) : These games were often very one-sided, non-competitive affairs. Many to the point of dull, calling into question the soundness of battling traffic or rushing out of work just to watch these snoozers. While we can say that it allows the team to work on weaknesses or help establish rotations, the reality is that very little was to be truly learned by going up against a vastly inferior opponent.
Cons (in not playing): One less chance to see the team play, see the newcomers play, etc. Players don't receive a real-game atmosphere/experience (i.e. a dress rehearsal) in advance of the start of the season.
Thoughts on whether you're sorry to see this game go or if you in a sense feel thankful that you can do something else with your time? (Yes, I know fans were not forced to go, but many of us did anyway.)