GW Hoops

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10/06/2024 10:17 am  #1

WRGW 2024-2025

Hey guys, I'm going to make a thread for WRGW coverage all season long. Will be posting the articles, videos, podcasts, etc. 

First off, will attach the podcast featuring Byron Kerr. He spoke extensively about GW basketball, how he got the job, his time covering the team, his favorite moments, players, etc. Some pretty cool stories from Byron.

Appreciate the support!!!


10/06/2024 12:04 pm  #2

Re: WRGW 2024-2025

Glad to have another Mets fan on the site!!  Thanks for the interview


10/07/2024 9:16 am  #3

Re: WRGW 2024-2025

Lets GO METS  
Been a fan of the Mets for well over 40 years, and GW for 30 years

GO GW, Go Mets.  Ya gotta Believe 


10/14/2024 12:55 pm  #4

Re: WRGW 2024-2025

Excited to announce that new AD Michael Lipitz will be coming on WRGW this Friday at 4 for his first sit down interview! Let us know if you all have any questions!

If you can't listen live, it will be available as a podcast on Spotify.

     Thread Starter

Yesterday 3:09 pm  #5

Re: WRGW 2024-2025

Here is a question I'd like to hear an answer to:

I know that it's everyone's desire including your own to remain in the A10.  My question is whether there are realistic possibilities that may result in GW leaving the A10 for a smaller conference or perhaps out of D1 altogether?  For example, if GW's home attendance remained where it's been the past few seasons, could this trigger a move down?  What if some of the healthier A10 programs like Dayton, VCU and St. Louis were to leave for bigger conferences?  How about if GW could not be competitive in-conference with respect to NIL money? 


Yesterday 5:00 pm  #6

Re: WRGW 2024-2025

GWU has a 100-year history in Men's BBall. But the last few years have not been great. And as the nature of the college basketball has changed it is up the to Administration, Alumni, Students and Donors to determine the future. GWU is one of the places with no Major College Football so the Men's BBall Team is the main athletic program of importance.

To maintain at the top of the A-10 requires money. That money is used to hire the right coach, coaching staff, who then scout and develop the players, and now prevent them from leaving after a year or after they have been developed. donors and Alumni now have an increased role in providing funds for both NIL and traditional donations to fund infrastructure, etc. Current students are expected to turn out and support the team in mass, especially when tickets are free, but actually paid for via their student fees.

This model works well at places like Duke, Kansas, Kentucky and to a lesser extent at places like UConn, UCLA, Texas. Although these could be the model to follow, the administration must set this as the goal, communicate this to the larger University community, then follow through with the resources and the framework.

Unfortunately, this model now requires a lot of University and Private cash, and those funds must be efficiently allocated, with little margin for error. (Last season Georgetown paid the K-State Transfer reportedly $240k and he averaged less than 5 points per game - that was wasted money at a lost opportunity cost.) 

I am not a GWU alum, nor am i privy to any financial data, but TO ME it seems like GWU is not either willing nor able to compete to be a top 4 or 5 team in the A-10. Maybe the New President can change the landscape, but without the rich alumni funding NIL and infrastructure upgrades GWU is likely to be in the bottom 2/3rds of the A-10 at best and the bottom 1/4 at worst.

If this is true then I would suggest dropping down to another conference, a readjustment of the basketball budget and priorities with the potential of dominating that conference and gaining multiple NCAA Tournament Selections (assuming smaller conferences wont get squeezed out by the Power 4).

IN MY opinion the exit of VCU or Dayton or any other perennial league powerhouse does not change the calculus. Loyola-Chicago entered the A-10 from a "lower" conference and what is their current program status vis-a-vie GWU? UMass is leaving the A-10 for football money, how does the GWU program stack up against them? The AAC is ranked just below the A-10, is there a school from that league that could prosper? and better financed than GWU?

The next 2 years might be make or break for the future of GWU basketball.



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